Apr 23 min

How to Beat Summer Fatigue and Stay Energized All Season Long

Credit: thesun.co.uk

Can't figure out why the rising temperature makes you feel like a zombie. Many of us are bothered by the constant feelings of sloth, weariness, and sleepiness that come with summertime. Here are six reasons why you could be sleepy, tired and dull during the summer. The Japanese refer to it as Natsubate. 'Natsu' signifies summer, and 'bate' indicates being fatigued. In this post, we will discuss the causes of summer fatigue and how to deal with it.

Change in melatonin and cortisol rhythms

Exposure to summer sun for longer can affect melatonin decline and cortisol rise in your body, which are important hormones that regulate mood. Lower melatonin levels and higher cortisol levels may be one of the causes of feeling low. Therefore, the circadian cycle gets disturbed. Your body works hard to keep you cool by sweating, which is also affected by your body size and the outside temperature. This procedure depletes your body's energy. To avoid this, protect yourself from the sun by wearing sunglasses, carrying an umbrella, and avoiding going out during the day. To feel good, and sleep, a good body needs to be cool and calm.


Dehydration leading to poor gut health


Sweating leads to a loss of water, which further leads to dehydration, constipation, and bloating. Eating more fruits is a good choice. Also, in order to keep our bodies cool and prevent overheating, our digestive acid levels decrease during the summer. As a result of this, it’s harder for the stomach to digest heavy foods. Consuming probiotics like yogurt or supplements like Wonderpro super probiotic can help in balancing gut health and ease digestion process. Eat light and consume a lot of fiber in the summer. Opt for fruits like papaya and oranges and vitamin drinks like Tuskca Vitamin C. It is made from rich amla extraction combined with zinc, super hydrating, and antioxidant properties.


Lower salt levels may bring laziness


A lack of salt or sodium in your body might also reduce your energy levels. Sweating causes salt loss, which leads to low sodium levels, often known as hyponatraemia. This might cause dizziness, migraines, and muscle cramps, particularly if you exercise during the hot months. To combat this, drink electrolyte drinks and stay hydrated.


Difficulty in getting easy sleep


Melatonin is also responsible for inducing sleep when it gets dark. It is governed by sunshine, which signals our brain to remain awake. Melatonin onset is influenced by the prolonged sunlight during the summer. As a result, we fall asleep significantly later at night. Turn out the lights, avoid using your phone or watching television, and read so your brain knows it's time to sleep.


Temperature  fluctuation


The quick shift in temperature that occurs when you exit an air-conditioned room and enter the extremely humid and hot temperature outside is also responsible for making you feel tired. Rapid temperature changes can cause imbalance and drain the body’s vitality. Minimal use of air-conditioning is always good for various health conditions and If you are leaving an air-conditioned room, make sure to turn off the AC 5 to 10 minutes prior. 


Lack of interest in appetite


When winter inspires you to become a gourmand, the monsoon turns you into a snacker. In contrast, people are less interested in eating during the summer. The reason behind this is, the digestion generates heat, thus people may have evolved to eat less on hot days to stay cool. If you don't have a great appetite, try to eat hydrating foods like melons, berries, tomatoes, and cucumber. A loss of appetite may be a cause of weakness.


You have all the reasoning and resources to make your 2024 summer a better one. Before the heat hits you, you hit smartly to smash summer fatigue. Eat well, exercise in a comfortable place, hydrate as much as possible, and stay cool and calm.