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Viagra vs Herbal Remedy for Men Sex Health

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Muslizen Herbal Capsule for Men

According to a survey done by the Alpha One Andrology Centre at Aashlok Hospital one out of every ten Indian males could be impotent. The centre's director, urologist Vikram Sharma says "Impotence is a silent epidemic that is sweeping across the nation, the average victim being a middle-aged male otherwise healthy and successful.”

Erectile dysfunction can lead to depression, anxiety, and relationship problems. Conventional treatment options have been proven to treat this condition successfully, fortunately we have a variety of promising natural treatments that have potency to treat ED and related issues. It is always better to try herbal remedy instead of jumping to take viagra and other drugs.

Let’s go step by step.

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

ED or Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve and maintain an erection, especially during sexual intercourse. It is said that nearly every men experience Erectile dysfunction at some point in their life, it is experienced especially between the age of 40 and 70.

Several health conditions can cause Erectile dysfunction such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes mellitus, causing a decrease in the blood flow to the genital, anxiety/depression, hormonal imbalance, etc. It takes away a man’s sexual desire.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

There are many reasons behind erectile dysfunction. First let’s understand how an erection works. This can give you a better understanding of poor erectile function. It’s all starts in the brain. When a man is sexually stimulated causes arousal. Once aroused, the brain sends signal to the genital. Muscles relax at the genital, allows blood to enter. This causes an erection. The blood flows into the chambers of the genital, and the sex organ starts to swell up. When the blood leaves the genital, the erection goes away.

Both physical and psychological factors can affect a man’s sexual function.

Physical Factors Cardiovascular disease may affect the blood vessels. Hence blood circulation becomes weak and high blood pressure may develop. As a result man’s pelvis doesn’t get enough blood to cause an erection. Low testosterone is another important problem in ED. Certain prescription medications can also cause erectile problems as a side effect like medication for hypertension.

Psychological Factors As we said its all starts in the brain. Anxiety, depression, other psychological problems like any kind of phobia contributes to weak erections. Sometimes, mental issues can cause acute erectile dysfunction.

Sex hormones can also cause erectile dysfunction like low testosterone and high estrogen. The male body only needs a small amount of estrogen. The functions of estrogen is to regulate certain sexual functions, including libido and spermatogenesis.

Testosterone is the primary sex hormone. It has no immediate impact on the man's capacity for erection. Yet it does have an impact on libido. The stimulation of a man's sex drive may not work as well when his testosterone levels are low. His capacity to experience a typical erection may consequently be impacted.

Treatments: Viagra Vs. Herbal

Famously, Viagra has become the standard treatment for erectile dysfunction. It was not originally developed for erectile problems but to treat high blood pressure. Later the drug was rebranded and approved for the use in ED treatment.

Viagra is a PDE5 inhibitor. PDE5 inhibits the action of a certain enzyme in the body. This sometimes helps men achieve better erections. However the drug comes with side-effects like headache, back pain, blurred vision, nausea, muscle pain, stomach upset and may be more serious side-effects. There are newer drugs have been introduced for men with erectile dysfunction with several possible side-effects and risks.

Doctors also try to counsel the possible root cause of ED symptoms. When the cause of the condition is treated, there may sometimes be an improvement in erectile dysfunction symptoms. Antidepressant medication helps to reduce the effect of depression however some such medications can worsen erectile dysfunction symptoms.

A man with low testosterone may be provided with hormone replacement therapy to increases testosterone levels in the body and to alleviate the adverse effects of low testosterone.

Herbal Medicine

The side-effects of Viagra make is worrisome. This is why people are looking for natural alternatives and its always good though it needs patience.

Fortunately, a lot of research has been conducted on natural remedies for sex disorders. Researchers have found that there are a few natural extracts and products that could help dealing such problems. Lifezen Healthcare’s Muslizen is a potent herbal medication for men health. It is 100% natural and free from metals, steroid or any chemical substance. Perfect for vegan and vegetarians as its 100% vegetarian in and out. It has nine Indian herbs like safed musli, velvate bean, moringa, puncture vine, amla, shilajit, ashwagandha, marsh barbel, nutmeg. Since its completely herbal it has no side effects, helps in several ways like boosting immunity, energizing and supports men health and it shows visible results when used consistently for at least 60 days.

Your body is made by nature, and nature has kept solutions in it for you. A bad lifestyle gives rise to many diseases, even erectile dysfunction. In our previous article, we discussed the main causes of sexual disorders. Therefore, maintaining a balanced lifestyle with a good diet, exercise, and stress management can help you immensely to deal with a number of health issues.


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