Have you heard about ‘Osteoporosis’? Osteoporosis means ‘porous bone’, the bone which is permeable. It is an issue that weakens bone. Osteoporosis means having less bone mass and strength. If you have mild or initial weak bone issues, you must take utmost care to avoid Osteoporosis and it’s severity in future. The threat is the disease often develops without any symptoms or severe pain, it is usually not diagnosed until the fragile bones cause fractures. Mostly the fracture sites are at hip, wrist, and spine. The things that raise the risk of osteoporosis are genetic, ageing, and sometimes your gender. But it doesn’t mean that it can’t be avoided or treated. Having strong bone majorly depends on your lifestyle, balance of nutrients in the body and how do you maintain Calcium intake.
As we discussed, Osteoporosis is low bone mass accompanied by the slow deterioration of bone tissues. If not addressed on right time, the condition may lead to enhanced bone fragility and susceptibility to fractures. Based on available data and clinical experience, it is estimated that over 200 million people suffer from osteoporosis worldwide. Whereas, in India the record says, around 50 million people are estimated to have Osteoporosis. The majority of them are women reason being loss of calcium during pregnancy and menstrual cycle. Hence, Calcium is always a crucial need for woman. Osteoporosis is one of the major health problems faced by the Indian population and therefore requires immediate attention by individuals, the medical and public health community.
Causes of Osteoporosis?
The development of bone mass post 50 is an important determinant for risk of osteoporosis in later life. However, the recent studies and cases shows that even millennial are developing bone mass loss and other bone issues. The development and strengthening of bone mass depends upon the accurate intake of calcium, proper exposure to sunlight, and exercise which is low in India and lead to extra number cases of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis affects both men and women, but the reasons behind its progression may tend to differ. Osteoporosis is majorly seen in women.
There are two types of Osteoporosis, as type I (Primary) and type II (secondary). Type I is postmenopausal osteoporosis (seen post menopause), and senile osteoporosis is type II Osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis in Women
As mentioned above, Indian women are more susceptible to developing this condition as compared to men and the reasons could be attributed to several factors. The smaller body frame of a female body consume a lower portion of calcium-rich foods and tend to have poor exposure to sunlight. Further, at menopause bone loss accelerates because of the decline in estrogen levels.
Indian women tend to undergo menopause a little early than European women, the risk of developing osteoporosis increases significantly in them. Recent studies include that in modern women Osteoporosis starts in early 30’s whereas in Men it is post 35. Hence doctors recommend to observe the right balance of Calcium, Vitamin D and other nutrients through food, activities and supplements necessarily.
Osteoporosis in Men
With ageing, there is an increase in bone loss, combined with the low peak bone mass due to the malnutrition and other factors osteoporosis develops.
Some of the conditions that may increase men's sensitivity to developing the condition include Endocrinopathy (causing Type II Osteoporosis) like hyper/hypothyroidism, disorders of adrenal glands, and disorders of the pituitary gland. Some of the other factors responsible for the onset of osteoporosis include genetic predisposition, low body mass Index, heavy smoking and drinking, prolonged corticosteroid treatment etc.
Can it be prevented?
Once you are at your late 40’s you need to be very careful about your bone health and better if you consult a doctor. However, lifestyle factors such as lack of physical activities, exercise and imbalanced diet can affect bone health and the rate of bone loss in later life.
In order to ensure perfect bone health one must have right levels of Calcium and Vitamin D right from the beginning. Calcium is required for bone formation and keeping it strong and healthy whereas Vitamin D is required to regulate its absorption. Daily direct exposure to Sunlight at least for 15-20 minutes helps in the formation of vitamin D and therefore is a prerequisite for healthy bones. Irrespective of your age, you need natural source of sunlight along with supplements to get the sufficient of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is involved in various functions in your body.
Lifezen Healthcare brings you Tuskca Calcium that is enriched with Vitamin D3 is a right solution to prevent Osteoporosis and to keep your bone, joints and muscles healthy and reviving.
Along with proper diet, daily physical actives, exercise nutritional supplement of Calcium and Vitamin D is very much essential. We recommend the citrate form of Calcium for better absorption and less constipation compare to Calcium Carbonate. Calcium Citrate doesn’t require stomach acid to aid in its absorption.
If right prevention is taken care then Osteoporosis can be avoided, however it criticality the symptoms of osteoporosis can be managed with the right type of treatment.