Sugar in the body or blood means glucose, that we need to survive. Glucose is the source of energy in the body. This sugar or glucose comes from two sources i.e. food and liver. As with any other factors in the body even the glucose level should be balanced, not high or low. High blood sugar (hyperglycemia) is risky so as low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). High blood sugar is associated with diabetes and prediabetes. Prediabetes is a condition when your blood sugar is high, but not high enough to be classified as diabetes.
In majority cases high blood sugar is found, commonly known as Diabetes. It is a lifestyle disease and generally this disease is caused due to poor lifestyle habits. Hence it is obvious that with disciplined and organized lifestyle habits prediabetes or diabetes can be managed or controlled.
The natural and safe way to manage prediabetes or diabetes are by exercising regularly, eating more fiber, sound sleep, incorporating more healthy snacks, and increasing your probiotic intake.
What is Insulin and how linked to sugar levels
Your body normally controls your blood sugar by producing insulin, a hormone that allows your cells to use the sugar circulating in your blood. As such, insulin is the main regulator of blood sugar. Internal causes of high blood sugar include your liver producing too much glucose, your body producing too little insulin, or your body not being able to use insulin effectively. The latter is called insulin resistance. Dietary habits, certain drugs, a sedentary lifestyle, and stress are all external variables that affect blood sugar level. High blood sugar, also known as hyperglycemia, is associated with diabetes, which can lead to heart attack, heart failure, stroke, and kidney failure.
High blood sugar is caused when your body fails to produce enough insulin or use insulin efficiently. However, there are simple steps you can take to maintain blood sugar levels naturally;
1. Exercise regularly
Daily exercise can help improve insulin sensitivity, which means that your cells can use the sugar in your blood more effectively, lowering blood sugar levels. Weight training, swimming, running, cycling, dancing, hiking, and high intensity interval training are beneficial for diabetic, prediabetic and any one who needs to manage sugar level.
2. Manage your carbs
Carbohydrates are converted into sugar by your body, and insulin then helps your body utilise and store sugar for energy. Tracking your carbohydrate intake and planning meals can help your body manage blood sugar. A low-carb diet can help reduce blood sugar increases and have long-term advantages.
3. Eat more fiber
Fiber helps in slowing down the body's digestion of carbohydrates and sugar absorption. By which there is a gradual increase in blood sugar levels. While all kinds of fiber are good for the body, soluble fiber is best for improving blood sugar control. High fiber diets also help manage juvenile or type 1 diabetes. High fiber foods include whole grains like wheat, fresh vegetables, beans, berries and apples.
4. Drink plenty of water
Drinking plenty of water helps your kidneys get rid of excess sugar. One study found that people who drink more water reduce their risk of high blood sugar. And remember, water is the best medicine. Avoid sugary drinks and packed juice.
5. Eat moderate portions
Portion management helps you eat fewer calories, which helps you maintain a healthy weight.Weight control improves healthy blood sugar levels and lowers the chance of developing type 2 diabetes.
6. Manage your stress
Stress can be a good stress or a bad stress. Good stress pushes you to do better whereas bad stress is harmful for mental and physical health. Bad stress can also affect blood sugar levels. Daily exercise, relaxation techniques like meditation, breathing exercises can help to reduce stress and blood sugar levels.
7. Get enough sleep
Cortisol level is linked to blood sugar, as it helps in managing the sugar levels. Sleep deprivation may increase cortisol levels and affect blood sugar levels. Six to seven hours of sound sleep can promote better physical and mental health.
8. More of chromium and magnesium intake
Deficits in minerals that regulate blood sugar, such as chromium and magnesium, have been related to high blood sugar levels. Meats, fruits, vegetables, and nuts are good sources of chromium whereas dark, leafy greens, squash and pumpkin seeds, tuna, whole grains, dark chocolate, bananas, and legumes are all high in magnesium.
9. Eat probiotic-rich foods
Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that provide a variety of health benefits, including better blood sugar management. Probiotic use has been shown in studies to reduce fasting blood sugar, glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), and insulin resistance in persons with type 2 diabetes.
Probiotic-rich foods include fermented foods, such as yogurt,homemade pickles, dhokla, idli, and probiotic supplements like Wonderpro super probiotic. Wonderpro is perfect for diabetic as it is sugar and gluten free.
10. Go for a low glycemic index
The glycemic index (GI) assesses how quickly carbohydrates are broken down during digestion and absorbed by your body. This affects how quickly your blood sugar levels rise. The GI classifies foods as low, medium, or high GI and grades them from 0 to 100. Low GI foods have a GI score of 55 or lower.
The amount and type of carbs you consume both influence how a food impacts your blood sugar levels. Eating low GI foods, in particular, has been demonstrated to lower blood sugar levels in diabetics. Adding protein or healthy fats also helps to reduce blood sugar increases after meals.
With all these lifestyle habits one can definitely manage their blood sugar level. Before it’s too late, start now!