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11 Nutrients For Nerve Health?

Vein problem, Nerve Pain, Hand pain, Nerve problem, Vericose vein,
Credit: Shutterstock

“You are what you eat” influences the impact of our diet on our health. It's not just about consuming enough meals; there are a variety of foods that provide a variety of nutrients to the body. Alongside dietary supplements, they fill nutritional gaps and help maintain fitness. One of the most common yet unspoken health issues is pain and sensations in the peripheral nervous system. You might have experienced numbness, pain, and discomfort in your hands, neck, legs, and feet. That might be due to a nerve issue that requires attention.

One of the common nerve problems among senior people is Neuropathy is a type of nerve dysfunction that causes pain, numbness, and weakness. Diabetes is a prominent cause of neuropathy; however, neuropathy can also be caused by lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and other immune system disorders like Guillain-Barre syndrome. While there are conventional therapies for nerve pain symptoms, recent study suggests that dietary supplements may also be effective in preventing such discomfort. In order to restore your nerve health, it's crucial to deal with the underlying reasons of any nerve pain and, most importantly, optimise your nutrition intake.

1. Vitamin B12

This is essential for the myelin sheath, the cover surrounding the nerve. It’s been advised that a good dose of vitamin B12 can potentially repair tired and damaged nerves. Vitamin B12 is not found in plants however you can get vitamin B12 from yogurt, meat, fatty fish such as salmon, cod, and sardines.

2. Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is needed to be able to absorb vitamin B12. It is advisable to get vitamin B6 from food instead of supplements.You can get it from fish like tuna, salmon, chicken, and spinach.

3. Vitamin B1

This is essential for our musculoskeletal and nervous systems. It also transforms carbs to energy in the form of ATP, our primary source of energy. This is something we only acquire a limited amount of through metabolism, so you could supplement with it in addition to receiving it from foods.

4. Vitamin B2

This is required for B6 and B12 absorption. Soybeans, spinach, almonds, and asparagus are high in vitamin B2.

5. Antioxidants

They are good to keep you safe from free radicals. Antioxidants help in optimising the myelin sheath and prevent any damage to the nerve. Vitamin C, E, A are good antioxidants. You can get them through food and supplements available over the counter. Dark leafy greens, fatty fish, walnuts, blueberries, blackberries are good sources of antioxidants.

Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant found in turmeric and is known for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. When taken early, curcumin has been shown to prevent chronic pain associated with neuropathy. It has also been shown to reduce pain and inflammation.

6. Ginger

This can be a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. You can incorporate ginger by making a cup of tea, or just take a few slices with pink salt and warm water, you can also add them into salads, soups, and stews. It is very helpful for inflammation in the body and nerve pain.

7. Omega 3 fatty acid

You need it because it is important in repairing the myelin sheath that the nerve is wrapped in. Find good sources of Omega 3 are fatty fish, walnuts, and flaxseeds. Application of flax seed oil also helps in pain relief.

8. Water

We are composed of 70% water. Our lymphatic system, which is essentially water, contains all of our nerves, bones, ligaments, and connective tissue like an aquarium. You need to be hydrated so that our nerves can function properly.

9. Magnesium

It is an essential mineral found in the body. As it involves various functions in the body Magnesium helps the nervous system to relax. Get a good amount of magnesium from pumpkin seed, almonds, spinach, peanuts.

10. Potassium

It plays a vital role in the nervous system whether it is CNS or PNS. Even your brains need potassium to function. It helps to transmit signals or messages efficiently through nerves. Dry fruits, spinach, avocados, potatoes, beans, and lentils are rich in potassium. Make sure your potassium levels are optimum.


It is an amino acid and antioxidant that creates healthy nerve cells, manages nerve pain, and raises energy levels. It is found in foods like meat, fish, poultry, and dairy products and can be taken as a supplement.

Note that, neurotropic B vitamins play crucial roles as co-enzymes and beyond in the nervous system. These eleven nutrients may not eliminate your nerve pain, but they can definitely help optimise your nerve health. It is still recommended to speak with your doctor for a thorough checkup and advice.


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